Feeling ReflectiveCounselling in Solihull and Birmingham

Clinical Supervisor

Supervision Sessions - £50/hr


The three primary goals of clinical supervision are

(i) help the client

(ii) positively impact client outcomes

(iii) facilitate supervisee development


To help the client, it is necessary to understand the client’s world and needs; this would be through case conceptualisation. To help the supervisee to develop professionally as a counsellor, it would be necessary to understand the supervisee’s world and needs. 


The Multidimensional Supervision Eye (MSE) – Looking through a phenomenological lens

I have developed The Multidimensional Supervision Eye (MSE) – Looking through a phenomenological lens. It is based upon phenonmenology (study of an individual’s lived experience of the world), the MSE model has been designed to consider the lived experience of each individual in the supervision process and a combination of the Seven-Eyed model (SEM) (Hawkins & McMahon, 2020), aspects of the Integrative Developmental Model (IDM) (Stoltenberg & McNeill, 2010) and the Multidimensional Integrative Framework (MIF) (Lapworth, Sills and Fish, 2006). The model integrates humanistic and psychodynamic theoretical approaches (Rogers, 1980; Freud, 1905).







Hawkins P and McMahon A. with contributions from Shohet R, Ryde J & Wilmot J. (2020) Supervision in the Helping Professions Fifth Edition. McGraw Open University Press.

Lapworth P, Sills C and Fish S. Integration in Counselling & Psychotherapy. Developing a Personal Approach. 2006. SAGE Publications.

Stoltenberg C.D and McNeill B.W. (2010) IDM Supervision. An Integrative Developmental Model for Supervising Counsellors and Therapists. Third Edition. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.



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